Sriracha Broccoli

After seventy-two glorious days of summer vacation, school is back in session. As much as I was dreading having the kids go back to school; I think we were ready to be back on a schedule. We packed it in this summer; from beach days to camping, amusement parks to museums, swimming to family reunions to a few days at Gymnastics and Girl Scout camp. The girl’s have wonderful teachers this year and I just know we are going to have a great year… In 2nd and 1st grade.
I could not have just typed those numbers.
Time is a tricky little monster. I feel quite positive that this hooded little scoundrel walks around with a pocket watch on fast forward and laughs his hooded ass off as parents sit around and wonder where the hell time has gone? I’m pretty sure my dear friend Emily over at Ask Your Records has some wonderful insight when it comes to this… she always has the answers. The only thing I think I have the upper hand on when it comes to time is that each year gets more and more FUN with my kids. And each day we enjoy life, live for adventure and laugh… a LOT.
Because we were off gallivanting across California this summer, our menu was of the camping variety. I’ve also been on a broccoli kick (cancer fighting, yo! I need all the help I can get!)
This is great served along side an entree or by itself as an appetizer.
1 pound broccoli, cut into bite sized pieces
1 stick butter, softened
1/4 cup sriracha
Preheat oven to 375. Mix sriracha and butter together. Place broccoli in a large bowl and pour sriracha butter over top. Using tongs, toss to combine. Arrange in a single layer on a baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes. You want the ends of the broccoli to start to blacken. Enjoy!
August 27, 2015
I LOVE BROCCOLI! It’s a running joke in my family, that it’s the side dish to everything…at least four nights a week…what’s for dinner? Something and broccoli. Looks like I just found a new spin!!! And sriracha…oh, sriracha…swoon.