Fried Chicken Tacos
We’ve all had friends move at some point in our lives. Sometimes, it works out that it is just to a neighboring community or even a short drive. Other times, we see them change time zones, states or continents. When I was a kid, my best friend/neighbor moved away and it was so hard to say “see you soon.” Our parents were friends though and they worked hard at keeping our friendship alive. Back in those days, we wrote letters, visited occasionally and sent cards to one another at birthdays and holidays. In May of 2017, I travelled to Las Vegas where she currently lives and after a teary reunion, we spent an entire afternoon chatting about our lives. Over thirty years later from being neighbors and there we were, clinking mojito glasses and laughing the way only forever friends can.
A few years ago, one of my Soul Sisters moved to Arizona and although not having her here with us is difficult, we knew she would be back to visit quite often because her family and stepson are still in Southern California. She visits several times a year and my 2018 goal is to make it out visit her as well. The technology we have now makes it so easy to keep up with one another’s lives – even if we are separated by hundreds of miles and state lines.
Through our community of parents at Buggies and Pixie’s school, we have been so fortunate to meet some amazing families. Our little community is always there to help one another at the drop of a hat. Buggies’ has had two best buddies (say that five times fast) since Kindergarten. These three have been inseparable since the first day of school four years ago. After a few playdates with the two moms, I too found some amazing friends that instantly became part of my tribe. We talked everyday, were there in a pinch to help pick up or drop off some of the kids (which is saying a lot because there are ten kids between the three of us! Yeah, you read that right…T E N), drop off missed schoolwork when one has the flu or even groceries when you find yourself with the stomach bug and the cabinets at home are bare of Gatorade, 7-Up, crackers or anything that sounds remotely appetizing.
And then….one moved away.
This “see you soon” was new territory for me. I’ve never faced a move that caused pain to one of my girls AND me. Watching Buggies’ face crumple only made my heart break because we both had a friend moving away and we cherished that friendship everyday. We had our sweet ViviCat over for a final “before you move sleepover” where I went full Mommy Bistro and cooked every single one of her favorite meals. I texted her mom and said, “Alright, what is her FAVORITE meal? Cause I’m going all out.” Most kids you would expect to say, Spaghetti or Tacos, maybe even homemade burgers… Not our ViviCat… “Her favorite meal is pork roast with mashed potatoes, corn and molten lava cakes for dessert.” I about died reading the answer. Because if you know Viv, you know how fitting this answer is. Pork roast it is!
After a little going away party with lots of friends, we had our final goodbye just us. The movers had already taken everything so we sat on the floor, drank prosecco and apple cider and filled that empty home with joy and laughter until it was busting at the seams.
They are settling into their new snowy surroundings and we are already planning to visit. The girls are FaceTiming, texting and wearing their friendship necklaces knowing in their hearts that no matter how many miles separate them, their friendship will last.
And as for the moms, we may not see the third part to our triangle everyday, but we still talk everyday and we also know in our hearts, that our friendship will last…a lifetime.
“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It is not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.” – Muhammad Ali
If the hubby wasn’t busy working right now and he read this post, he would be telling me to dust the damn house (his code for getting teary eyed). We recently camped with friends and I made these Fried Chicken Tacos with Mexican Rice. I was tossing them out the side window of our trailer faster than I could make them cause – DAMN. They’re GOOD.
Make them, Yo!

- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1 teaspoon onion powder
- 1 teaspoon cumin
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 can green chiles
- 1 1/2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breast, cut into bite sized pieces
- 1 package small corn tortillas
- 1 cup canola oil
- 2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
- Sour Cream, (optional)
- Tapatio, (never optional... and the only hot sauce. Don't you dare use Cholula)
- Lettuce, chopped (optional)
- Tomatoes, diced (optional)
- Avocado, sliced (optional)
- Add chicken to a large ziplock bag then add garlic powder, onion powder, cumin and salt. Seal the bag and shake it like a Polaroid picture. You can let it marinade overnight or at least a few hours.
- Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large skillet and add the chicken. Cook for 4-5 minutes or until no pink is showing. Add the chiles and cook for another 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat and set aside.
- In a deep skillet, add the oil and heat. Spoon some chicken into a tortilla. If the oil is sizzling hot, hold the filled tortilla with tongs and then lay that magical Mexican pillow into the hot oil; holding the top half of the tortilla so the chicken doesn't try to escape. Fry for about 45 seconds and then flip it, flip it for real. Once they are golden brown and people are flocking to your kitchen from who the hell knows where (how did Karen the neighbor down the street get in here?), remove from the pan and allow that excess oil to drip back into its little fry heaven for the next round.
- To remove any remaining oil, wrap each taco in a paper towel for a few seconds. Then shove it full of cheese and all the toppings you want. Finally beat people off of you like zombies in an apocalypse so that you can shove one of these delicious tacos in your mouth.
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