Summer has come and gone. School is starting and I’m annoyed.

I host Thanksgiving at my house every year. I LOVE thanksgiving. The whole family gathered around the table cooing and cawing over the amazing feast before them. And we make it a family affair in the preparation too. I prepare most of it, and the family enjoys it. 🙂 No, most of the ladies bring dishes. But because I host it, I’ve widdled away all of the nonsense with new recipes and have instead centered our meal around the traditional comfort foods…with a twist. Last year for Thanksgiving, my local grocery store was giving away a free turkey for every $100.00 I spent. I have two kids and a husband. Needless to say, I wound up with 3 turkeys this year. So, we cooked up the final turkey a few weeks after the holiday and I made a few different turkey recipes in lieu of the classic Oven Baked Turkey. Among them, a turkey-salad for Ryan to take to work. But my absolute favorite leftover turkey recipe is Turkey Milanese.
Hubby’s note: Did I mention I’ve gained weight? This is one of the reasons. But SOOOOO worth it. There’s only so many leftover turkey sandwiches I can stand.

This is the gravy featured in my Turkey Milanese. It is also my favorite part of Thanksgiving. I am “that” person, who smothers everything with gravy and then sops it up with my mother-in-law’s incredible Sally Lunn rolls.
I promise this is the BEST GRAVY (HANDS DOWN) ever made on the planet. Trust me. I’ve done the research and the taste testing and there in nothing better than this gravy. Hence its name. WOW your entire family, this Thanksgiving, with this recipe!
Hubby’s Note: Um…yeah. I’m gonna go ahead and agree with the wife on this one. This gravy is ridonculous. This gravy is good on everything. And I do mean everything (wink, wink, nod, nod). I highly recommend making paninis with the leftover turkey after thanksgiving (if you know me you know that everything tastes better in panini form; I’ve even been known to add yams and dressing) and using this gravy as a dip. Calorically, it is an absolute disaster. But taste-tically, (not to be confused with testiclely) this gravy is a masterpiece.