There are so many great activities for free in summer. We personally love the concerts in the park. Some fabulous cover band pouring their heart and soul into the 80’s, Chicago and Bon Jovi. Add in the fact that you can pack your own dinner and a couple bottles of wine; what more do you need in life!

I keep a clean house. I can’t focus when everything is everywhere….which is quite the challenge with two little ones under the age of 4. So, when I made these cookies, my girls and my best friend’s son were addicted. As a result I’m still finding little crumbs of these all over my house. I can only assume that they helped themselves and created a fallout shelter full of these cookies somewhere with a secret handshake and a “don’t tell the mommies where the cookies are” pact.
I cannot for the life of me find the original recipe. Whoever the fabulous genius was to come up with this recipe….I thank you. As do my children.
Hubby’s note: I’d like to explore Mom’s G-something a little later. I’ll give you a hint, I’ll be the only man there.

I just finished baking 600 cookies. Yes, you heard that right. 600. Every year my brother-in-law’s production company hires me to make their holiday gift baskets. So, I’ve been MIA because I was chained to my oven busting out cookie after cookie. I love to bake. I love to try new things. However I am not the kind of baker who can come up with new recipes on the spot. I can easily make a new savory entree but when it comes to baking….I just don’t have it in me! The only recipe that I have for cookies that is my very own creation is my crack cookies. Don’t judge me on the name. I’m taking ideas for what they should be called. You can see pictures of these cookies here. So for the next 12 days, I am going to feature all of the cookies I made this year. And of course who the credit goes to for the original recipe! These freaking amazing red velvet cookies are those of the southern master; Ms. Paula Deen. When I made these cookies last year, one of the production company’s clients called after receiving their basket. He said he had just finished licking the plastic bag these cookies were in because they were so incredible.