Fried Chicken Tacos
We’ve all had friends move at some point in our lives. Sometimes, it works out that it is just to a neighboring community or even a short drive. Other times, we see them change time zones, states or continents. When I was a kid, my best friend/neighbor moved away and it was so hard to say “see you soon.” Our parents were friends though and they worked hard at keeping our friendship alive. Back in those days, we wrote letters, visited occasionally and sent cards to one another at birthdays and holidays. In May of 2017, I travelled to Las Vegas where she currently lives and after a teary reunion, we spent an entire afternoon chatting about our lives. Over thirty years later from being neighbors and there we were, clinking mojito glasses and laughing the way only forever friends can.
Chicken Papadoris
I love to plan our meals for the week. My 2017 goal is to make/try one new recipe a week and depending on the success (or failure) of the recipe, post it here for you to enjoy. Most of my inspiration comes from reading magazines. My favorites are Bon Appetit and Sunset. I don’t have a lot of time to myself but each month I get giddy when I see one of the magazines in my mailbox. I also use recipe books I’ve saved over the years, things I made forever ago and wrote out on a recipe card, and of course cookbooks. Some weeks inspiration is abundant and I get excited about my ideas. Other weeks I’m uninspired and get frustrated with any book I open.
A few weeks ago, I opened an old recipe binder filled with recipe cards I wrote when we were newly married and found the recipe for Chicken Papadoris. I used to make it weekly and it was a total favorite of the hubby and I. Immediately, I squealed with excitement at the idea of surprising him by making it! I was excited for the girls to try it and for the nostalgic smell of this dish simmering in my kitchen. Both girls LOVED it and it brought back memories of the hubby and I eating by candlelight, drinking two buck Chuck because it was all we could afford and talking about our day.
The curry flavor is not heavy in case curry isn’t your thing. Give it try and let me know what you think!

- 1/4 cup pine nuts
- 1/4 butter
- 2 pounds boneless skinless chicken breast, cut into bite size pieces
- 1 brown onion, chopped
- 4 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 tablespoons soy sauce
- 1-2 cans unsweetened coconut milk
- 2 teaspoons paprika
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1 1/2 teaspoons curry powder
- 2 teaspoons curry powder
- 2 teaspoons corn starch
- 1/4 cup cold water
- 2 cups jasmine rice, cooked
- Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add pine nuts and cook stirring frequently until evenly toasted. Remove pine nuts and set aside.
- Add butter to the skillet and melt over medium heat. Stir in chicken and cook for 10 minutes or until no pink is showing and juices run clear. Pour off any juices.
- Add onion and garlic and cook until tender. Stir in half of the pine nuts, soy sauce and coconut milk. Season with paprika, cumin and curry powder.
- In a small cup, mix water and cornstarch. Add to skillet and stir until a thick gravy forms. Serve over white rice. Sprinkle remaining pine nuts on top and serve!
Teriyaki Skewers with Grilled Pineapple

One hundred and five degrees. No, that is not the temperature you need the grill to be at to make these skewers. It is however the temperature of the muggy air outside of my house right now. Sweet baby Jesus, someone turn the heat down please!! Think of the Wicked Witch of the West being held under Niagara Falls by Dorothy; that’s how much I’m melting. Although that doesn’t sound like a terrible thing right now, to be under a waterfall of cool water with a Pina Colada… calm island music playing in the background…. Ahhhh, take me there!!
Crockpot Chili
It’s a gloomy week here in SoCal.
Cold, drizzly weather always makes me want my slippers, fireplace and a steaming bowl of some kind of delicious stick-to-your-bones kind of dish. We are having a chili cook-off with some friends in a few weeks and I’m super excited to bust this baby out.
Sriracha Ramen Soup
Sriracha. It’s just so delicious! Often referred to as yuppy ketchup – I really don’t care! It gives that spicy bite to Vietnamese Pho, some extra kick to grilled salmon and makes a damn good aioli.
Butternut Squash Lasagna
This recipe screams Fall to me. It is so simple, savory and downright delicious. It is a must for a day when the weather is cooler, leaves are changing colors, and you have super cozy slippers (and a glass of wine!)
A.J.’s Margarita Pork Tacos
The hubby works for the best company on the planet. Hands down; the best company any hubby could work for. The owner of the company is by far the greatest and most compassionate leader I’ve ever met who values his employees down to their core. He is knowledgable in everything from chopping down a tree to the legal ramifications of said tree and the effect its chopping will have on the price of tea in China. Well, not really, but you get it—he’s pretty amazing. Because he has created such a special work environment, his employees are equally as wonderful. They are all amazing people and everyone in the office really gels together.
General Bistro’s Orange Chicken
I just spent the day with twenty kids under the age of six. We went on a field trip to one of the parks here and I had no less than 1,000 heart attacks. There is this pretty large sized lake within the park that is a beautiful shade of toxic green. The ducks enjoy swimming in it as well as some fish and I was actually surprised none of them had an extra head or wing.