Sesame Chicken with Roasted Broccoli and PineappleĀ
I’m sitting alone in Starbucks.
There are couples on coffee dates, college students studying, a group of older women chatting and laughing together. The sound of steam escaping from the espresso machine with the soft coffeehouse radio in the background is the perfect backdrop for people watching. Sipping my green tea with stormy clouds outside; the reminder that fall is here and the blistering hot days of summer are behind us.
Sriracha Broccoli

After seventy-two glorious days of summer vacation, school is back in session. As much as I was dreading having the kids go back to school; I think we were ready to be back on a schedule. We packed it in this summer; from beach days to camping, amusement parks to museums, swimming to family reunions to a few days at Gymnastics and Girl Scout camp. The girl’s have wonderful teachers this year and I just know we are going to have a great year… In 2nd and 1st grade.
I could not have just typed those numbers.
Remy’s Ratatouille Fondue
A fellow mommy-blogger and high school friend of my hubby’s, Nikki Bull Pollard (, is currently working on an article about family movie nights and asked me to contribute some food pairings with the movies. Which I am SOOO honored to do because Nikki’s blog is an overwhelmingly successful blog that absolutely cracks me up and she also contributes to The two movies she asked me to pair with are the fabulously entertaining movie, Ratatouille (which I secretly love to watch with Buggies and Pixie because it is all about cooking!) and the movie Enchanted, which stars McDreamy and thatĀ adorable Amy Adams.