Fire Roasted Artichokes

Dinner | August 19, 2011 | By

Here in Los Angeles, we have this restaurant called Houston’s. Or Hillstone. It depends on the time of day and what the current California law is regarding calories being listed on menus. Anyways, Ry and I fell in love with this place so many years ago I feel like it really wasn’t THAT long ago. I mean really, why do I still feel 24 but get carded at the grocery store with TWO kids and feel like a champion when they ask for my ID? Probably because my 32nd birthday is coming on strong on August 24th. Sigh….

Ryan and I have loved artichokes forever and I have spent a lot of time trying to master the Houston artichoke. It’s sweet, but savory and smoky and fire roasted and perfect. And! Alas! I duplicated that tricky little sucker. Ready?

2 large artichokes
1 lemon, quartered
3/4 cup olive oil
4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper

Fill a large pot with 8 cups water. Squeeze the juice from one lemon wedge into the water. Trim the tops from the artichokes, then cut in half lengthwise, and then once again to quarter the artichoke. Remove the choke. Just place the blade of your knife at the bottom edge of the choke and cut towards the center of the artichoke. Then remove that furry little guy! Place quarters into the large pot of boiling water. Cook for 45 minutes. Do NOT let the artichokes get too “done” and start falling apart. Check them, rotate them and get them out before they disintegrate.
Drain those bad boys and place on a plate. Squeeze the remaining lemon wedges into a medium bowl. Stir in the olive oil and garlic, and season with salt and pepper. Toss the artichokes with a coating of the garlic mixture. The artichokes can be made up to this point and kept at room temperature or refrigerated until dinner time. At that time, preheat a grill. Place them on the preheated grill. Grill the artichokes for 5 to 10 minutes, basting with dip and turning frequently, until the tips are a little charred. Serve immediately with chipotle mayo.

If your master griller is unavailable…You can also turn your oven to broil and broil the artichokes for a few minutes, basting as well until they are slightly charred.

Chipotle Mayo:
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 to 1 teaspoon cayenne papper (depends on how spicy you like it!)
1 clove freshly minced garlic

Stir ingredients together and let refrigerate for one hour before serving with….fire roasted artichokes!


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    Jessica waters
    August 20, 2011

    I make these bad boys weekly!!

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    August 23, 2011

    I like your recipe, except for the chipotle mayo part;) it’s probably just a mistake, but there is no chipotle in the ingredients……

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    August 28, 2011

    Love this recipe, but how do you not let them fall to pieces? lol. I guess i overcrowded, by using 4 small trader joe artichokes instead of 2 big ones since they didn’t have them.

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